• The Beverley wooden garden chair by Woodcraft UK

The Beverley 5ft Memorial Bench

The 5ft Beverley Memorial Bench combines comfort and style while still being strong and sturdy to withstand the rigours of the Great British weather. A slightly lighter construction than the York bench, gives the Beverley memorialn bench an air of elegance, while strength is ensured through the application of the skilled craftsman’s techniques.

Height: 36.6 inches (930mm). Length: 5ft (1.50m). Depth: 24 inches (615mm).

Supplied as a 5ft memorial bench

The Beverley 5ft Memorial Bench Sizes
5' MEMORIAL BENCH (1.5m)Was £1084 NOW £944

Please note: All prices are subject to VAT.

Other sizes in this range

4' MEMORIAL BENCH (1.2m)Was £1032NOW £902
6' MEMORIAL BENCH (1.8m)Was £1222NOW £1072