The new Woodcraft UK Workshop

Onwards and upwards for Woodcraft UK Garden Furniture Specialists

Posted on March 07, 2014

It's been a very exciting time for Woodcraft UK over the past couple of months and thanks to you our valued customers we are expanding and will be moving shortly to new purpose built workshops.

Our state of the art wood working unit will be fully operational soon and we can't wait to resume production of our hand crafted garden furniture.

Empty workshop ready to be turned into our Woodcraft workshop

Empty workshop
Empty workshop with timber planks
Measuring out the empty workshop
Starting work on the back office

Building the back office.

Building the back office
Constructing the wooden uprights
Back office taking shape
Almost completed back office

Building the upstairs office.

Workshop construction
Creating the new workshop
Stairs created for the upstairs office
Constructing the new workshop

Further details will be available soon but you can follow the progress on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/woodcraftuk

P.S. If any of you are on Linkedin please connect with us. I'll be more than happy to accept connections: http://www.linkedin.com/in/woodcraftuk